Career Vision programs

Career decisions are among the most important choices anyone will make. Unfortunately, few people have a plan, even fewer use a proven and effective strategy to plan their future, relying instead on incomplete information, trial and error, and wishful thinking. This can be costly in terms of time, money and energy, not to mention the frustration.

Career Vision programs are based on years of research and career development theory, giving you the best strategy—and advantage.

The Career Vision program goals can be stated simply:

Know yourself. We help you understand your abilities, interests, personal style and values.

We help you understand how to look at the workplace and evaluate the work requirements of career opportunities.

We help you determine the best fit between you and your career options.

Career Vision consultants are experts in assessment and career development. Their personal goal is to teach you how to make effective career decisions now and in the future. 

Start early—start smart. 
High school and college are perfect times for career assessment, exploration and planning. Students make their first choices regarding academic majors, internships and the type of college that will be best for them.

Our individual career consulting can save you time and money, and build the confidence needed to make better career decisions.

We are all unique. That is both the fun and the challenge. The most satisfying careers are those that fully utilize your abilities in activities that are interesting and an environment that fits. Career planning is a process. Career Vision assessments provide important information about you.

The experts at Career Vision understand how to find the best fit between your needs and talents and the requirements of various careers.

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